Infinity Wanderers #11

Infinity Wanderers 11 is the Winter Special for Christmas 2024/New Year 2025, featuring a topical festive cover by Robin Stacey. We celebrate the usual mix of short stories, poetry, travel articles, real historical and what-if articles, and book reviews. Included in the magazine are A Glimpse of Paradise by the late Brian G. Davies, detailing a holiday to North West Devon, and a Pembrokeshire Farm Holiday from 1980, centred near Haverfordwest but visiting many areas nearby, especially on the coast.

Poetry comes from Pavel Markiewicz, Ben Mcnair, Grey Wolf, Ruth E. Thomas, Gary Beck, and Ali Ashhar.

The art feature is from Davyd Meyrick Griffiths, who contributed the cover for issue 9 of this magazine, whilst Grey Wolf sneaks a drawing into the publication - if you can find it!

Fiction is from Matthew Spence, Nicholas Woods, Matias Travieso-Diaz, Evan Hay, and Rick Barooah. Drew Concord's "Good Enough" begins serialisation over 2 issues, with Part One.

The magazine reviews the book "The Governess of Greenmere" by Paul Leone, and this is followed by an article from its author on how he came to write it. Corina Apostu introduces us to her forthcoming novel "White Bear, Red Rose" set in an alternate Elizabethan England.

Regular columnist Larry Parker rounds the magazine off with his non-fiction article "Arming Our Enemies - An American Tradition", and his narrative piece "Hannibal Ad Portas".

Infinity Wanderers 11 cover

Cover design by Allister Nelson

Grey Wolf - Editor

Grey Wolf is the editor of Infinity Wanderers magazine. Below are a link to a couple of his forthcoming novels, published by Scimitar Edge. His website is at

Infinity Wanderers
The Steel Heart

The Steel Heart
by Grey Wolf

Alternate History
The second novel in The Shifting Sands series picks up the story as Lord Wolfe and Carlotta head for Seoul in the Kingdom of Korea. Travelling across the Pacific, they traverse the vast British North American colonies. They make a welcome return to Harcourt Hall after so many months away. As Carlotta begins to assert her independence, and receives a gift of alpacas from the former governor of the Argentine, Lord Woife takes decisions on how to invest a proportion of their fortune in the rising automobile industry. The machinery of foreign diplomacy, occurring behind the scenes, and behind the backs of the politicians, increasingly draws Lord Wolfe into Russian affairs. Do they really have to travel to Saint Petersburg? What of the lives they are making back home?

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Time of The Darkness

Time of The Darkness
by Grey Wolf

Alternate History & Science Fiction
In an alternate history, decolonisation of the Americas follows a vastly different timeline, and the British royal family remains pre-eminent in world affairs.

Competing with a Bonaparte Byzantium and a French Empire under the Murats, the Saxe-Coburg British fight on an equal footing for recognition and influence.

Follow 1400 years of history, from an alternate 1900 to the galactic empire of 3300AD where humanity inadvertently reawakens a terror that the elder races believed long dead.

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